Beyond the Bluegrass: Grouseland's Celebration of the American Longrifle | Indiana Muzzleloaders

Beyond the Bluegrass commemorates the sacrifices and contributions William Henry Harrison made for this country and the longrifles’ role during the times. One such contribution includes his negotiated treaties that ceded the lands of Illinois and Southern Indiana to the United States. When diplomacy by the pen failed, he risked his life at the Battles of Fallen Timbers, Tippecanoe, Fort Meigs, and the Thames River and was consistently victorious. His army’s primary tools were muzzle-loading firearms. See the exhibit for yourself here.

Following his efforts, westward American pioneers enjoyed affordable land in the Midwest in a less hostile environment. Farmers, tradesmen, and artists prospered. Gunmakers came from the East and the South into Indiana. Their product evolved and their story will be told at Grouseland, the former home of a U.S. President. Thousands of visitors annually tour the mansion and enjoy many artifacts once owned by Harrison and his family, or that are of the era.

The exhibit is sponsored by the Kentucky Rifle Foundation; National Muzzle-Loading Rifle Association; and Indiana Antique Arms Collectors Association.

Beyond the Bluegrass Longrifle Display Photos


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