Brian Kauffman takes doe with his newly built .45 Cal Haines Flintlock Rifle in PA

Brian Kauffman got an early start to his hunting season last weekend in Clarian County, Pennsylvania. Brian struck out into the woods with two friends, all hunting with flintlocks, for Pennsylvania’s early muzzleloader season.

After taking no shots on his first sit, Brian got into his stand early Friday morning and waited for some movement. Sitting about 60 yards from the edge of a hill, Brian noticed some movement as a doe and two yearlings moved through the thicket. With a short call, Brian got the doe to stop in her tracks long enough to get a shot off.

It’s not bad shootin’ target, but when that deer is there, it’s a whole different ball game.
— Brian Kauffman

Brian built this muzzleloader and finished it up during Memorial day weekend, 2021. This is the first deer he’s taken with this rifle. Here are the details on his rifle - 45 Isaac Haines, 65 grains of 3F, .440 RB, 60 yard shot

Congratulations to Brian, great job and great video. We hope for more success for you this hunting season as well as everyone else hunting with their muzzleloader.


Association of Ohio Longrifle Collectors Annual Show October 30th at Ashland County Fairgrounds


Grumpy Gunsmith of Williamsburg publishes new video on Drum and Nipple Installation for percussion muzzleloaders