Kansas Hunter Takes MASSIVE 230-Inch Buck In Early Muzzleloader Season

Read the full article here

Follow Donnie Monroe, the hunter pictured below, on instagram HERE

Donne Monroe took a beautiful 230” whitetail buck during the Kansas early season (pictured above). We don’t see a model or brand of muzzleloader mentioned, it certainly got the job done for Donnie.

Even though Monroe is a diehard bowhunter, he made a last-minute decision to bring a muzzleloader on this hunt, because he had no idea how far the shot opportunity might be. Since he was going to set up on the fly, he figured the shot could be 70 or 80 yards (too far for his bow), but it turned out to be much closer than that.
— Outdoor Life

Read the full article on the Outdoor Life magazine, linked at the top and the bottom of this article.



Muzzleloader course to be given in Wheatfield, NY


Delaware Muzzleloader Deer Hunting opens Oct 7-16 2022