Reliable stores both online/in person to buy black powder supplies from

I receive a lot of questions about muzzleloading, especially from beginners, ask anytime at ILoveMuzzleloading(at), but this one stuck out to me, and I felt it needed to be answered publicly to help others out there with the same question.

I am a beginner and don’t have a big budget but I want quality tools that will last. I want to get into this hobby as it is something unique and speaks to me. I love guns but I don’t like the expense and the community can difficult. Can you help?
— Question Asker

It can be hard to wade through the forums and facebook groups, that often devolve into arguing about what is “best”. I’ve listed a few of my favorite muzzleloading “General Stores” below with links to their sites for you to check out. Each of these businesses I personally know the owners of, or they have been doing business with rave reviews for decades. If you can’t find what you are looking for from these fine folks, I would hazard a guess it doesn’t exist.

Dixie Gun Works

Flintlocks LLC

Track of the Wolf

Deer Creek Products

Log Cabin Shop

Graf and Sons

Ted Cash

You’ll find a variety of items in every budget from these businesses, many specializing in the good ol “made in the USA” products that I wholeheartedly recommend.

I hope you enjoy your entrance into our hobby, question asker, we welcome you with open arms.


Washington State Muzzleloaders Association Silhouette Shoot Sunday January 23, 2022 - Puyallup, WA


Jim Kibler shares update on expansion, new kits, and the Kibler Hawken