Where to buy/sell/trade muzzleloaders and accessories online

Social media is great because it has brought many muzzleloading enthusiasts together in a space where they can share their love of the sport with their friends and families, but it has some downsides - one of which being they all forbid buying/selling/or trading muzzleloaders and muzzleloader supplies.

Here are my favorite places to browse online

The American Longrifles Forum is a wealth of knowledge, but it also boasts a fantastic “Items for Sale/Wanted” forum where some of the top craftspeople in the country share their wares. There is no cost to buy/sell/trade here, but please follow their rules.

Another forum here, but with a wider range of information. You’ll find muzzleloading topics from matchlocks to percussion revolvers in this forum- the same goes for their buy/sell/trade section. There is a mix of handcrafted and mass produced items floating through the market section on this forum, keep an eye out and I’m sure you’ll find a deal.

The used market in muzzleloading is a great place to find a deal on anything muzzle loading related. All of the sources outlined here will direct you to reputable, established forums where you can browse and shop the used muzzle loading market.

Be aware though, just like with everything else on the internet, scammers are always trying to get your money. While these websites do a great job of moderating, scams can slip under the radar.

Some tips for buying online -

  1. Don’t send money/product to new accounts. It’s best to only deal with profiles that have some age and “credit” on these forums.

  2. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Odds are that fine longrifle for $200 isn’t so fine, and maybe doesn’t even exist.

  3. Use an established payment method that you are comfortable with. If the other half of the deal suggests a weird app or program to send money you aren’t familiar with - do your research before going any further. Avoid Paypal, they can and will ban you for transactions related to firearms.

I Love Muzzleloading is not responsible for any activity that may happen on any of the above listed websites. Please shop at your own risk and use caution when doing business with strangers.


Traditional Muzzleloader Details Flintlock Dissassembly and Cleaning


Market Faire and Rendezvous - October 29-31, 2021 Nazareth, PA