The 40th Annual Conner Longrifles Muzzleloading & Living History Show | 2023 Event Tour

Hi, I'm Ethan, I love muzzleloading and this is the annual Connor Long Rifles Living History and Antique Arms Fair.

Each year this show is hosted by the Connor long rifles muzzleloading Club at the Hamilton County 4-H fairgrounds in Noblesville Indiana. The show has over 240 tables selling handcrafted accoutrements antique arms, blacksmith creations, horn carvings, pottery black powder supplies and so much more that come from the years 1700 to 1899. In 2023, this is the 40th annual year for this show which was pretty exciting. I love to see those numbers starting to tick up especially for these local Club hosted events here in the United States.

This year's Saturday admission was seven dollars Sunday admission was five dollars and a two-day pass would only cost you 10 bucks. The show ran from 9am to 5 p.m on Saturday February 18th and went from 9am to 3 P.M on Sunday February 19th, you can expect similar hours next year in 2024.

Like I said, this is one of my absolute favorite shows to get started with for the year it's an interesting show because when we compare it to maybe some of the larger shows that happen across the country this show might seem a little bit smaller but the density of interesting stuff at this particular event is sometimes surprising. If you have a list running in your head of of antiques of high quality items handmade stuff that you were looking for or if you're just looking to get started in muzzleloading this is a great show to see all of that at once. There were folks there that I talked to that were purchasing their first muzzleloader, their first supplies like a bag and a horn or a patch knife, kind of the introductory stuff and then there were friends that I talked to that have been looking for Holy Grail pieces for their collection that were able to find them and see at least a few of them at this show which is something I love to hear that's something that I think is really special about these muzzleloading events around the country. If you can get to them and you have a list of something that you'd like to pick up something that you'd like to add to your kit or add to your range box or just add you know as Decor to your home you're going to be able to find it at this show.

I'd like to thank each and every one of you that stopped by my father and I's table to sit down and talk for a little bit I know that Saturday was a real crunch but I really appreciate everybody who stuck around to chat with me I think I went through my thermos of tea both days in talking to muzzleloading enthusiasts which was really great. So many of you came out with and shared stories of your different experiences and and when you got into muzzleloading and what you're enjoying now that's the kind of thing that really is energizing for me at least so thank you each and every one of you that stopped by to talk.


Gardland Ridge Runners Muzzleloader Club Inc. 3rd Annual Craft Show | March 18, 2023 | Garland, PA


School of the Longhunter - March 30-April 2 2023 | Prickett’s Fort, West Virginia