Cheek Rest Shaping and Patchbox Fixing | Let's Build a CVA Hawken Part 4

In part 4 of our CVA Hawken Build, I show you how I use hand files and rasps to shape and modify the stock of this Hawken. While we need to do very little to the stock in general, I like to modify a few areas based on some tips I’ve received from Hawken Expert Robert Woodfill.

One area I like to focus on a lot is the cheek rest. CVA leaves a lot of extra wood in this area and we can use that to our advantage. If you only work one area of the stock to make this a good looking Hawken, it’s got to be the cheekpiece.


I done goofed - Let's fix this buttplate | Let's Build a CVA Hawken Part 5


Let's Build a CVA Hawken Part 3 | What Makes a Hawken?